1: Encourage collaboration across various disciplines; 2: Highlight successful interdisciplinary projects and research; 3: Foster a global network of researchers committed to interdisciplinary approaches.
I. The philosophy and principles behind interdisciplinary approach II. Challenges in Interdisciplinary Research III. Technology and Innovation in Interdisciplinary Research IV. Tools and Techniques V. Interdisciplinary Education and Training
VII. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Global Issues VIII. The Future of Interdisciplinary Research IX. Interdisciplinary Research in Policy Making X. Building and Sustaining Interdisciplinary Networks XI. Case Studies
Send Your Abstract through email: research@xpertno.com 0r WhatsApp: 00923275124735 0r Scroll down and fill the form below
International Presenters and Participants (Virtual): Free National Presenters (In-person & Virtual): 700 PKR National Participants (Limited In-person seats): Free National Participants (Virtual): Free
0092512646648 0r 00923275124735
August 21, 2023
October 2, 2023
October 6th, 2023
October 9th, 2023
October 7th, 2023
October 14th, 2023
October 09, 2023
October 21-22, 2023
The abstract page should be one page, including the title, followed by the author(s) and affiliation, then the abstract of the research, and the keywords.
The title of the abstract should be in bold and 14-point font, Times New Roman.
Include the name(s) of the author(s) in bold, 12-point font, Times New Roman. If multiple authors, please list them in the order they should appear.
Provide the affiliation of each author, including degree title, institution, city, and country, in regular 12-point font, Times New Roman.
The abstract should be 150-200 words, summarizing the research,. Please ensure clarity and conciseness.
Include a minimum of 3 keywords that represent the core concepts of the research.
Please submit your abstract as an MS Word document through email at research@xpertno.com or through the registration form below.
Make sure to adhere to the submission deadline as specified at the top of the page.
Please note that all abstracts will be peer-reviewed, and acceptance will be based on relevance to the symposium's theme, originality, and quality of the content.
Authors of accepted abstracts will be notified by email and provided with further instructions for payment, full paper submission, & presentation
For questions or assistance, please contact +92 327 5124735 (Call + WhatsApp), Email: research@xpertno.com
International Keynote Speaker - Associate Prof. Uni of Malaysia, Pahang
National Keynote Speaker - Assistant Professor, AU
Dr. Salma Razzaq is an assistant professor at Air University. Alongside her teaching role, she serves as the Editor-in-Chief of the Xpertno International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (XIJIR). Her academic focus and leadership in research have enabled her to contribute significantly to interdisciplinary studies and guide the publication process for high-quality research articles. Her experience extends to mentoring students and engaging in research activities that align with her expertise.
Welcome Note by Comparer (Emcee), Organizer's Welcome Address
10/21/2023International Keynote Speaker's Address, National Keynote Speaker's Address
10/21/2023National and International Plenary Speakers' Addresses
10/21/2023In-Person Presentations, Online Presentations, Q&A Sessions
10/21/2023Awards' & Certificates' Distribution, Acknowledgments and Thanks, Announcement of Future Events, Farewell