13 Jul
Class 5th
Average age: 08 years
Subject: English
Topic: Noun

Content Analysis:

i-    Definition of Noun

ii-    Example of Noun

iii-  Types of Noun

Lecture Objectives:

i-Overall objectives

• To enable students to write good English

• To improve student understanding of the topic.

ii-Instructional objectives:

• The student will be able to recall the meaning of nouns.

•The student will be able to recognize the types of nouns.

• The student will correctly complete these forms.

• The student will be able to develop listening skills at the time of oral development. 

Teaching Aids used:

i- General aids: Chalk, chalkboard, duster, pointer, etc.

ii-Instructional teaching aids: Chart showing the types of nouns.

Previous Knowledge Assumed:

The teacher presupposes before entering the classroom that the students have some knowledge of the noun.

Teacher Activities
Pupil’s Activities
Eesha is a loyal girl (what is Eesha in this sentence)
The name of a person
Mirpur is also called as Mini-London (what is Mirpur)
The name of the place
What is a noun?
No response

Announcement of the topic:

Finding unable to answer the last question asked by the teacher. The teacher will announce the topic by saying, “Well, students, today we will study nouns and its types."

Presentation: The teacher will develop the lesson using teaching aids and explaining skills. 

Teaching Points
Teacher Activity
Pupil’s Activity
Definition of Noun.
The teacher will explain the noun and write on black-board,
The students will listen carefully.
Example of Noun.
The teacher will ask for examples of nouns.
The student will give the examples like Lupis, Islamabad, chair, etc.
Types of Noun
The teacher will explain the types of nouns with examples and write them on the board.
The students will listen carefully.
Common Noun
The teacher will ask for some examples of common nouns.
The student will give some examples.
Proper Noun
The teacher will ask some examples of Proper noun
The student will give few examples like Alina, Zain, etc.

Generalization: It is assumed by the teacher that the students have acquired knowledge of nouns and its types. 

Recapitulation: To recapitulate the noun, the teacher will ask some questions like, "What is a noun?", "Give an example of a common noun?", and "Define a proper noun." 

Homework:  The teacher will give the homework to the students. 

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